STM32F103C8T6 compatible module is a minimal module based on chip compatible with STM32F103C8T6 MCU, but not from ST. It sports a MCU which is an ARM 32Bit Cortex M3 based core. It has maximum frequency of 72Mhz, and also sports a single cycle multiplication and hardware division.
- Micro USB Interface
- Onboard 8Mhz Crystal
- 64KB Flash
- 72Mhz Max Frequency
- 20KB RAM
- 2.0 to 3.6V Application Supply and I/Os
- POR, PDR and Programmable Voltage Detector
- Low Power, Sleep, stop and Standby modes
- 2 x 12Bit, 1 ?s A/D converter (upto 16 channels) with Conversion of 0 to 3.6V
- 7 Channel DMA, which supports peripherals: ADC, SPI, I2C, and USART
- All I/O Ports mappable on 16 external interrupt vectors and almost all 5V tolerant
- Serial Wire Debug (SWD) and JTAG interfaces
- 7 Timers, 3 16 Bit Timers
- Interfaces: 1 CAN, 3 USART, 2 SPI, USB 2.0 Full Speed
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