Basic Starter kit For Compatible With Arduino SMD UNO, Breadboard, LED, Resistor,Jumper Wires and Power Supply
KIT Includes
- 1 x Arduino UNO R3 SMD
- 1 x Cable for Arduino UNO
- 1 x 840 Point Breadboard
- 1 x HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- 1 x Common Cathode RGB LED 4 Pin
- 1 x 10k POT
- 1 x SG90 Servo Motor
- 5 x 4 Leg Push-Button
- 2 x 74HC595 IC
- 2 x LDR
- 2 x Buzzer
- 25 x LED(5 Red , 5 Yellow, 5 Blue , 5 Green 5 White )
- 1 x MB102 Power Supply Module
- 1 x 5V Relay
- 100 x Resistors (10R , 100R , 220R , 330R , 1K ,2.2K , 4.7K , 10K , 100K 1M – 10 resistors of each value)
- 1 x Toy Motor
- 1 x Toy Propeller
- 1 x Piezo Buzzer
- 2 x BC547 Transistor
- 2 x 1N4007 Diode
- 1 x Joystick Module
- 1 x 10k Thermistor
- 5 x 100uF 25V Capacitor
- 30 Jumper Wire (10 Male-Male , 10 Male-Female , 10 Female-Female)
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