The ADC0804 are CMOS 8-Bit, successive approximation A/D converters which use a modified potentiometric ladder and are designed to operate with the 8080A control bus via three-state outputs. These converters appear to the processor as memory locations or I/O ports, and hence no interfacing logic is required. The differential analog voltage input has good common mode-rejection and permits offsetting the analog zero-input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution.
- 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible – No Interfacing Logic Required
- Conversion Time <100µs
- Easy Interface to Most Microprocessors
- Will Operate in a “Stand Alone” Mode
- Differential Analog Voltage Inputs
- Works with Band gap Voltage References
- TTL Compatible Inputs and Outputs
- On-Chip Clock Generator
- Analog Voltage Input Range (Single + 5V Supply): 0V to 5V
- No Zero-Adjust Required
- 80C48 and 80C80/85 Bus Compatible – No Interfacing Logic Required
Parameters | Specification |
Supply Voltage | 6.5 V |
Voltage at Any Input | -0.3 V to (V+ +0.3 V) |
Temperature Range | 0°C to 70°C |
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